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Small Biz Diaries - February 2024


What. A. Month.

Possibly the most exciting month we’ve ever had in my small business. This last week has been an absolute whirlwind, and my bank account now has a healthy dent in it… but for the most amazing reason. Let me tell you all about it.

The month started off well with a couple of weeks bringing in regular sales. This was honestly such a wonderful surprise, because last February I didn’t make a single sale through my website. So for one thing, that was just such a lovely unexpected boost to start off the month.

And then, while on holiday, I had a post go ‘viral’. Well, not viral according to some people’s standards, but big for me. Over 300 comments on one post kind of viral. It was bamboozling and exciting and suddenly I was seeing lots of new followers on Kettle & Quill’s social media for the first time.

As if that wasn’t enough, within 24 hours of that post going viral, two prestigious trade shows had reached out to me inviting me to exhibit with them at their spring events!

And so I am ridiculously happy to announce that Kettle & Quill is going to the Harrogate Flower Show this April (25th – 28th)!

I am ridiculously excited about this event for three reasons. Firstly, there will be FLOWERS and prettiness everywhere. So that makes for a happy Holly! Secondly, it is such a positive and prestigious platform to launch Kettle & Quill into the world. And thirdly, because I can’t wait to get to meet customers face-to-face for the first time (I’ve never done a village fair before, let alone something of this scale).

The upshot of all this is that the last week of February has been somewhat nuts. I’ve been hurriedly getting everything ready for a HUGE order of new stock and new designs, besides ordering stands for the stall and legal things like Public Liability Insurance. This has meant big flows of money and taking bigger investment risks than I ever have before. Everything was new and exciting and somewhat overwhelming but in the best way.

I’ve also been put in touch with the wonderful artist and small biz owner Rebecca Pitcher, whose help has been invaluable as I’ve navigated these trade show waters for the first time. You can see her website here:

I wish I had some kind of ‘lesson’ or something from all this. And probably with time I will learn a thing or two from this experience. But right now, all I feel is an intense, bubbling joy and excitement. It’s given me such a boost of confidence because it is such an affirmation that Kettle & Quill strikes a chord with others.

Sometimes, it can feel like art isn’t a ‘proper’ profession or job. That going down the freelance or entrepreneurial route is less valid than a 9-5. And so what this month has really given me is a deep down belief that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be right now, and stuff the ‘oughts’ and ‘shoulds’!

Sending so much love and thanks to everyone who has ordered from me this month, and everyone who likes, comments and shares my social media posts. It makes a massive difference, as I hope you can see from this month’s roundup. Love ya!  

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